Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ani's 1st Piano Recital

Ani was so nervous for her 1st recital. Thankfully her teacher agreed to go up with her and that was all she needed to find the confidence to perform her pieces beautifully. Great job Andison!!

Catching Up - January to March

Corbin left his breakfast on the floor - the picture tells the rest of the story.
Campbell enjoying an unexpected snow. Zoom in on her face - she is so funny!

Corbin's masterpiece - A castle taller than himself.
Jared, Campbell, and Ani lovin' the jumbo slide at Monkey Business. They went down again, and again, and again. So did Corbin.

Feeding the geese and ducks at the park.
Swimming at the hotel. Campbell is a little fish!
Celebrating my 33rd birthday with my family!
Gotta love thrush!
Ani ice fishing with dad and grandpa.